The Fifth Season / La cinquième saison
Jessica Woodworth, Peter Brosens, Belgium, Netherlands, France, 2012.
Directed by: Jessica Woodworth, Peter Brosens
Script: Jessica Woodworth, Peter Brosens
Producer: Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth, Diana Elbaum, Sébastien Delloye, Joop van Wijk, JB Macrander, Philippe Avril
Production company: Bo Films, Entre Chien Et Loup, Molenwiek Film, Unlimited
Cinematography: Hans Bruch Jr.
Editing: Jessica Woodworth
Music: Michel Schöpping
Cast: Peter Van Den Begin, Bruno Georis, Nathalie Laroche, Véronique Tappert, Robert Colinet, Delphine Cheverry, Pierre Nisse, Michel Charles, Lenka Brosens, Damien Marchal, Marie-Noëlle Dourtreluingne, Jamal Hallouzi
Format: video
Running time: 93'

A mysterious calamity strikes: spring refuses to come. The cycle of nature is capsized. Alice and Thomas, two teenagers living in a Belgian village deep in the Ardennes forest, struggle to make sense of the world that is collapsing around them

Awards and Festivals
Venice International Film Festival 2012
Toronto International Film Festival 2012
Hamburg International Film Festival 2012
Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival 2012
Busan International Film Festival 2012

Directors Biography
Peter (born in 1962, Leuven, Belgium) has been an independent filmmaker and producer since 1991. Peter studied urban geography and cultural anthropology. He is a 1995 EAVE graduate. He produced and directed creative documentaries such as his ‘Mongolia Trilogy’: City of the Steppes (1993), State of Dogs (1998) and Poets of Mongolia (1999).

Jessica Woodworth (born in 1971, Washington DC, USA) grew up between Europe and the US. She studied literature at Princeton then worked in China for European networks. She got her MA in documentary from Stanford. She directed the documentary The Virgin Diaries in 2001. Brosens and Woodworth won the Lion of the Future at the 2006 Venice Film Festival with Khadak (screened at the 2007 Zagreb Film Festival). Their second fiction, Altiplano, was launched in Cannes in 2009 and won the Golden Kinnaree at the Bangkok International Film Festival. The Fifth Season is their third feature film.

Location and screening schedule:
TUŠKANAC CINEMA, Wednesday, October 17th at 21.00
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Thursday, October 18th at 19.00
Slika 1 Slika 2