A Bomb Was Stolen / S-a furat o bombã
Ion Popescu-Gopo, Romania, 1961.
Directed by: Ion Popescu-Gopo
Script: Ion Popescu-Gopo
Production company: Filmstudio Bucuresti
Cinematography: Stefan Horvath
Music: Dumitru Capoianu
Cast: Iurie Darie, Emil Botta, Haralambie Boroº, Ovid Teodorescu, Geo Saizescu, Tudorel Popa, Eugenia Balaure, Cella Dima
Format: video
Running time: 72'

This dialogue-free science-fiction comedy was directed by Ion Popescu-Gopo, a graphic artist who went on to become a successful director of animation films and who won the Golden Palm at Cannes for his short film Scurta istorie in 1957. The artistic development of this director is noticeable from the very beginning of this highly scurrilous film: a young man in a suit is picking flowers in a meadow when suddenly a whole army battalion turns up – including a helicopter. Our hero, who has no name, no past and no mission, is simply the wrong man in the wrong place. Suddenly he comes into possession of a suitcase, which in all appearances looks to contain an atomic bomb, and all at once the villains of the world are after him. The film is packed full of visual and imaginative references to many classics from the history of film. Humour and comedy know no borders: Jacques Tati, Charlie Chaplin et al are alluded to and allow for comment in a sharply ironic tone on spying, mistrust and the world’s paranoia about the bomb.

Awards and Festivals
Cannes Film Festival 1962

Directors Biography
Ion Popescu-Gopo was a graphic artist, who went on to become a successful director of animation films and who won the Golden Palm at Cannes 1957 for his short film Scurta istorie.

Location and screening schedule: ZAGREB DANCE CENTRE, Tuesday, October 16th at 18.00
Slika 1 Slika 2