Zagreb Stories Vol. 2 (Out of the Competition) / Zagrebaèke prièe vol. 2
Hana Veček, Sara Hribar, Aldo Tardozzi, Ivan Sikavica, Josip Visković, Radoslav Jovanov Gonzo, Croatia, Slovenia, 2012.
Directed by: Hana Veček, Sara Hribar, Aldo Tardozzi, Ivan Sikavica, Josip Visković, Radoslav Jovanov Gonzo
Script: Hana Veček, Sara Hribar, Aldo Tardozzi, Ivan Skorin, Josip Visković, Jasna Žmak
Producer: Boris T. Matiæ
Production company: Propeler Film, Alka Film, Restart (Slovenia)
Cinematography: Josip Ivanèiæ, Vjekoslav Skledar, Raul Brziæ, Almir Fakiæ, Dragan Šiša, Marko Brdar
Editing: Marin Juraniæ, Mato Ilijiæ, Nina Velniæ, Josip Viskoviæ, Ana Štulina, Andrija Gvozdiæ Michl
Cast: Aleksandra Stojakoviæ, Siniša Popoviæ, Dijana Vidušin, Nika Trenc Sato, Stjepan Periæ, Jadranka Ðokiæ, Romina Vitasoviæ, Marija Tadiæ, Ivan Glowatzky, Mislav Èavajda, Frano Maškoviæ, Borko Periæ, Hana Hegedušiæ, Alex Rakoš, Janko Rakoš, Inge Appelt, Ema Ursula Stojkoviæ, Nikša Butijer, Goran Radakoviæ, Matija Èigir, Katja Crevar, Nikola Miljanoviæ, Ivana Rošèiæ, Judita Frankoviæ
Format: DCP
Running time: 100'

Pears, directed by: Hana Veèek
The girl named Dome and her father spend the last evening before the father's wedding with a much younger girl… The evening turns into a night full of alcohol and emotions.

From One Day To Another, directed by: Sara Hribar
A romantic drama about a young couple who is, more or less successfully, coping with the imposed clichés about modern married life and the frames the society puts it in.

Sweetie, directed by: Aldo Tardozzi
Today is the day when Tvrtko must choose the right way – the way to school.

Son, directed by: Ivan Sikavica
Can a training bring a father and his son to their senses and bond them together again?

Someone Might Drop a Cigarette Butt, directed by: Josip Viskoviæ
Jasna and Darko are expecting a child. They live with Darko's father, who is an alcoholic.

Squared, directed by: Radoslav Jovanov Gonzo
Two twenty-something girls, Mia and Sara, are moving to a new apartment. Will their love become lost among all these boxes around them?

Awards and Festivals
Pula Film Festival 2012

Directors Biography
Hana Veèek (Zagreb, 1969) studied Comparative Literature and Philosophy, and then Theater Directing at the Academy of Dramatic Art. She directed a number of theatrical performances and short films Bad Day for Captain Hook (2008, Goldem Pram at Zagreb Film Festival, Oktavijan at the Days of Croatian Film) and Siren Trap (2012). She is also a translator, dramaturge and pedagogue.

Sara Hribar (Zagreb, 1986) started studying Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art in 2005. She writes, produces and directs medium-length feature films, awarded in Croatia and abroad: Let Me Sleep (2007, shown at 30 festivals and received 15 awards, awarded Golden Pram for Best film from Checkers program at Zagreb Film Festival), Tell Me about Love (2008), Libertango (2009), That Little Hand of Yours (2010), In a Winter Night (2012).

Aldo Tardozzi (Zagreb, 1974) obtained a degree in Film and TV Directing from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. He directed the awarded films such as Terra Roza, The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship, A Story from Nuniæ, Eddy Is Gone and TV serials Dead Angles, Biba's World, Periferija City, Home, Sweet Home, Blonde Diaries… He also directed the feature-length fiction film Spots (2011).

Ivan Sikavica graduated from the Zagreb Faculty of Political Science and is now an undergraduate student of Film Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. His short film Špansko Continent was awarded at the Days of Croatian Film 2010. He is currently directing TV show Rekonstrukcija. The short film Son – a part of Zagreb Stories Vol. 2 omnibus – is his second film.

Josip Viskoviæ (Zagreb, 1978) studied Film Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. From 1995 to 2000 he wrote about film and in 2000 he received Vladimir Vukoviæ Award for film critic. In his own production and without budget, he made some thirty short feature films, documentary and experimental films shown at Croatian and international festivals. He is a co-organizer of the Short Film Marathon.

Radislav Jovanov - Gonzo (Zagreb, 1964) studied Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. He has been directing, and often shooting at the same time, musical video clips since 1988. He made more than 150 of them, as well as a dozen of commercials, three documentaries and one feature film. He was also director of photography on the feature-length film Spare Parts (2003).

Location and screening schedule:
EUROPA CINEMA, Saturday, October 20th at 20.00
EUROPA CINEMA, Sunday, October 21st at 19.00