Canned Dreams
Katja Gauriloff, Finland, 2012.
Directed by: Katja Gauriloff
Script: Jarkko T. Laine
Producer: Joonas Berghäll
Production company: Oktober Oy
Cinematography: Heikki Färm, Tuomo Hutri
Editing: Timo Peltola
Music: Karsten Fundal
Format: video
Running time: 78'

This episodic documentary film builds a portrait of European workers. In our film, we travel and follow the journey of a canned food product and its ingredients across Europe. Along the journey the ordinary workers all over the continent tell their dreams and stories about the most important moments in their lives. The film features seven ingredients, seven main characters and seven strong stories from different countries. The characters' ages and backgrounds vary and their stories will touch diverse spheres of life at the same time being universal and reaching out to people anywhere in the world. Behind this one product there are numerous hands and the can itself is metaphor for multicultural Europe.

Awards and Festivals
Docpoint Helsinki 2012
Hot Docs 2012
Silverdocs International Documentary Festival 2012
Berlin International Film Festival 2012
One World HRFF Bucharest 2012
Eurodok IDF Oslo 2012
Izmir International Film Festival 2012
Planete Doc Review Warsaw 2012
Richmond International Film Festival 2012

Directors Biography
Katja Gauriloff was born in 1972. in Inari, Lapland. She has studied film directing (2000- 2004) at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences, School of Art and Media. She has been involved in film making since 1998. Today she is a film director and a part-owner of the Oktober Production Company. Her first feature documentary A Shout into the Wind was awarded the State Quality Support for cinema productions in Finland in 2008. The film has been screened at various festivals. Canned Dreams is her second feature documentary.

Location and screening schedule:
GRIÈ CINEMA, Friday, October 19th at 12.00
GRIÈ CINEMA, Friday, October 19th at 18.00
DOKUKINO KIC, Sunday, October 21st at 19.30