Bare Island / Goli otok
Darko Bavoljak, Croatia, 2012.
Directed by: Darko Bavoljak
Script: Darko Bavoljak, Petar Vujačić
Production company: Art de Facto, Hrvatski državni arhiva
Cinematography: Darko Bavoljak
Editing: Višnja Skorin
Music: Stanko Juzbašiæ
Format: video
Running time: 52'

Bare Island tells us about a prison camp on the island of the same name in Croatian Adriatic during the conflict between Tito's Yugoslavia and Stalin's Russia from 1949 – 1955. While the reenactment of the life in the prison camp and methods of "political re-education" of so-called Cominform supporters is based on the testimonies of ex-prisoner Alfred Pal, reminiscences of Jovo Kapièiæ, the head of then Yugoslav secret police UDBA, gives us the regime's view at the reasons and logic for creation of the camp. The film reveals numerous hereto unpublished documents of Yugoslav secret services which cast some light on the consequences that the conflict between Tito and Stalin had for the prisoners. The film tends to present Bare Island from various angles and place it into the political and ideological context of that time.

Directors Biography
Darko Bavoljak was born in Zagreb in 1961. He obtained a degree in Cinematography from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. After the studies, he worked as a cinematographer of documentary and short feature films. In recent years he has been active in photography, film, conceptual art and as a curator. Bare Island is his documentary debut. He is a member of the Croatian Association of Artists and Croatian Union of Independent Artists.

Location and screening schedule:
GRIÈ CINEMA, Wednesday, October 17th at 12.00
GRIÈ CINEMA, Wednesday, October 17th at 18.00
DOKUKINO KIC, Friday, October 19th at 21.30
Slika 1