
ZFF in Rijeka, Dubrovnik and Čakovec


As in previous years, Zagreb Film Festival will be visiting other Croatian cities and share its program with the audience outside Zagreb. Traditionally, a part of the ZFF program will be shown in Rijeka's Art-Cinema Croatia, our twinned cinema with which ZFF cooperates throughout the year, exchanging independent, mostly European films. This fourth ZFF visit to Rijeka will last three days. Some fifteen films will be shown in about ten time slots. The films will reflect this year's ZFF program. The screenings will take place simultaneously with the ones in Zagreb. This year we have extended/started cooperation with two more cinemas. While some of ZFF films were already shown in Čakovec Cultural Center, this year we extend the cooperation on three days: the films will be shown immediately after the closing of Zagreb Film Festival.

The second cooperation is the one with Cinema Sloboda in our beautiful Dubrovnik. A selection of this year's and last year's ZFF films will be shown there over a week. With the long-time cooperation with Rijeka and two more such arrangements – with Čakovec in the north and Dubrovnik in the south – Zagreb Film Festival will cover more of Croatia than ever before.

ZFF u Art kinu Croatia

 Zagreb Film Festival već deset godina obogaćuje kulturnu ponudu u Hrvatskoj vrhunskim delicijama iz filmskog svijeta. Unazad par godina i riječka je publika posredstvom Art-kina Croatia dobila priliku kušati neka od najboljih filmskih ostvarenja i, pokazalo se, naučila uživati u njima. Svako gostovanje ZFF-a u Rijeci je s nestrpljenjem iščekivano što pred njega stavlja velika očekivanja. Iako je publika riječkog Art kina razmažena bogatom ponudom, Zagreb Film Festival je poseban događaj koji dodatno proširuje horizonte filmskog užitka. I ove godine nam ZFF donosi izvrstan program prvog, drugog pa i trećeg filma, ali ne radi se o još jednoj seriji projekcija, nego o iznimnom događaju u kojem sudjeluju ikone suvremene umjetnosti i dokumentarnog filma-Marina Abramović i Michael Glawogger (kojeg ćemo ovom prilikom upoznati i kao redatelja igranog filma). Svaki događaj koji uključuje ovo dvoje umjetnika djeluje na nas poput antiseptika koji ne dozvoljava da se kriza u kojoj živimo razvije u smrtonosnu sepsu. Gostovanje ZFF-a u Art kinu generira dodanu vrijednost koja nastaje u spoju institucije koja u kontinuitetu nastoji proširiti horizonte očekivanja publike i festivala koji uvijek nastoji iznenaditi publiku i prikazati stvarnost iz najnevjerojatnije perspektive. Ovaj je spoj amplifikacija onih vrijednosti koje u filmu vide umjetnički izričaj, poticaj za razmišljanje i senzualno otvaranje. U kinu ne želimo zombije impresionirane slikom, već žive ljude otvorene za manipulaciju filmom.

Slobodanka Mišković, voditeljica Art-kina Croatia


ZFF in Dubrovnik

We are exceptionally happy to be able to present to Dubrovnik audience one of our best film festivals – Zagreb Film Festival, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary. We had similar cooperation with other cultural events until a few years ago and now the time has come to host a selection of ZFF films. They will be screened over a period of seven days in early November (4-8 November). We consider this a crown of the cooperation of Dubrovnik Cinemas, ZFF and Cinema Europa.

Dubravka Mikulić, Dubrovnik Cinemas

ZFF in Čakovec Cultural Center for the first time

Čakovec audience cannot wait to see the selection of films from ZFF. As our Center fosters film culture, it is pleased to be able to present for the first time a small fragment of recent European film production (three films). Cultural Center is ready to host all types and genres of art film from all over the world.

Marina Oskoruš, Čakovec Cultural Center Manager